10 Things You Can Do to Raise a Reader


  Parents are a child's first teacher, and there are many simple things you can do every day to share the joy of reading while strengthening your child's literacy skills. Read from day one. Start a reading routine in those very first days with a newborn. Even very young babies respond to the warmth of a lap and the soothing sound of a book being read aloud. Share books every day.Read with your child every day, even after he becomes an independent reader. Reread favorites. Most children love to hear their favorite stories over and over again. Rereading books provides an [...]

10 Things You Can Do to Raise a Reader2022-10-04T17:40:34+00:00

Writing Effective IEP Goals


Writing Effective IEP Goals for your child We all set goals for ourselves, whether we are aware of it or not. Our goals can be as simple as getting to work on time. They can be as complex as budgeting our expenses. We know what we need to do, and we set out to do it. An IEP goal is not unlike a personal goal. With an IEP goal, we create an educational program for a child with special needs. An IEP goal describes what we hope the child will achieve, or the intended outcome of instruction. The outcome is stated [...]

Writing Effective IEP Goals2022-10-04T17:26:32+00:00

How Parents Can Support the Common Core Writing Standards


The Writing Common Core State Standards are national standards that indicate what K-12 students are expected to learn in writing and the English language arts. The standards themselves are lengthy and span K-12, but it's important for parents to understand the goals of the standards and ways to support school instruction at home. The recommendations below align with the four "anchor standards" of the Common Core writing standards: Text Types and Purposes, Production and Distribution of Writing, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, and Range of Writing. Text Types and Purposes What it means: We write for many different purposes, [...]

How Parents Can Support the Common Core Writing Standards2022-10-04T17:24:13+00:00

How to Nurture Lifelong Readers in a Digital Age


Successful readers develop not just the skill but the habit of reading. As a decline in pleasure reading coincides with a move to different modes of screen-based texts, experts worry students need more comprehensive support to become lifelong readers in the digital age. "There's a lot of pressure on readers today to be able to select texts that are purposeful and useful and to discard others" in academic contexts, said Kristen Turner, a professor of teacher education at Drew University and the director of the Digital Literacies Collaborative, a professional network for teachers. "Then also to ï¬nd those long-form texts that [...]

How to Nurture Lifelong Readers in a Digital Age2022-10-04T17:12:43+00:00
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