10 Ways for Parents to Help Teachers


  Here are 10 simple yet powerful things that parents can do at home to support teachers in their daily work of teaching our young children. Create a smooth takeoff each new school year.  Give your child a hug before they venture out the door and you head to work. Look them in the eye, and tell them how proud you are of them. Your child's self-confidence and security will help them do well both in school and in life. Prepare for a happy landing at the end of the day.  Create a predictable ritual such as 10-20 minutes listening to [...]

10 Ways for Parents to Help Teachers2022-10-04T17:32:12+00:00

Multisensory Learning at Home: Tips for Parents


Discover 12 easy tips that encourage multisensory learning at home. There are many ways a parent can help and encourage a child by using some multisensory techniques. Although this may involve some changes in the home, the results may be well worth the effort. Provide a structured environment for Avoid outside distractions whenever possible (computer, audio players, TV, radio, general clutter). A clean, organized desk and room help your student to focus on his task. Whenever possible, write short notes to reinforce what has been said (on a bedroom mirror, refrigerator, chalk board, or bulletin board). Teach For many, this [...]

Multisensory Learning at Home: Tips for Parents2022-10-04T17:28:14+00:00

Writing Effective IEP Goals


Writing Effective IEP Goals for your child We all set goals for ourselves, whether we are aware of it or not. Our goals can be as simple as getting to work on time. They can be as complex as budgeting our expenses. We know what we need to do, and we set out to do it. An IEP goal is not unlike a personal goal. With an IEP goal, we create an educational program for a child with special needs. An IEP goal describes what we hope the child will achieve, or the intended outcome of instruction. The outcome is stated [...]

Writing Effective IEP Goals2022-10-04T17:26:32+00:00

Tips for Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences at Your Child’s School


Talk with your child Ask your child what his/her strongest and weakest subjects are, and which subjects he/she likes most and least. Ask your child if he/she would like you to speak about anything particular with the teacher. Make sure that your child understands that you and the teacher are meeting to help him, so that he doesn't worry about the conference. Prepare a list of notes Make a list of topics that you want to discuss with the teacher and that you think the teacher should know, such as your concerns about the school, the child's home life, any major [...]

Tips for Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences at Your Child’s School2022-10-04T17:18:48+00:00

10 Homework Tips That Will Improve Your Grades


Your homework habits might be affecting your grades. Are you staying on track with your assignments? Feeling tired, achy, or bored when it comes to homework time? Are you arguing with parents about your grades? 1. USE A PLANNER Did you know that poor organization skills can reduce your final scores by a whole letter grade? That's why you should learn to use a day planner the right way. Who can afford to score a big fat "0" on a paper, just because we got lazy and didn't pay attention to the due date? Nobody wants to get an "F" because [...]

10 Homework Tips That Will Improve Your Grades2022-05-05T20:03:48+00:00

Why Is Summer Learning Loss Such A Big Problem


SUMMER LEARNING LOSS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM Our children are sponges full of information and summer does a really great job of wringing them out and pouring all of that information they soaked up down the drain! In the fall, they come to school rested, sun-tanned and…well…clueless! Getting back all of that lost information that they learned the previous year is a struggle. TAKE A LOOK AT THESE STATISTICS: The average child loses about two full years’ worth of information by the time he/she graduates from high school…if she’s not involved in academic summer camps and summer programs for kids. Summer [...]

Why Is Summer Learning Loss Such A Big Problem2022-05-05T20:03:54+00:00

How To Improve In Reading & Writing


How can you learn to read and write better? More to the point here: How can you learn to read and write better by reading web pages such as these? First of all: Reading is primary. One can write only as well as one reads. Consider: Not all readers are writers. Many people read newspapers and novels and never write an original word themselves. They can decipher words and sentences on the page, but do not have a sufficient grasp of spelling and grammar to construct their own sentences. But all writers must be readers! You cannot write without reading as [...]

How To Improve In Reading & Writing2022-04-14T18:44:27+00:00

Essential Study Keys


If you have a son or daughter entering middle or high school this coming fall, you may be feeling apprehensive about the increased workload, the increasing difficulty of the curriculum, and the impending expectation that your student will be able to apply proper study habits. Being able to take good notes, engage in active reading, develop study and memorization techniques, and prepare adequately for upcoming tests and quizzes are all essential skills that students need in order to do well in school. And even though good study habits and proper study and organizational skills are crucial for student success, these important [...]

Essential Study Keys2022-05-05T20:04:16+00:00

5 Easy Homework Help Tips


Use these 5 easy homework help tips to improve grades . Whether school comes easy to your child or not, whether he's a straight C student or she's been on the honor roll her entire life, all kids can benefit from proper study habits. Here are 5 easy homework help tips to help improve your child's grades this semester It is never too early or too late to start! Start with the homework that is hardest for your student. If you start with the hardest subject, your brain will be fresh. Develop effective memorization techniques. You can use lists when having [...]

5 Easy Homework Help Tips2022-04-14T18:27:38+00:00

Top 10 Study Skills Tips For All Students


1. TURN OFF THE TV SET Make a house rule, depending on the location of the set, that when it is study time, it is "No TV" time. A television set that is on will draw youngsters like bees to honey. What about the radio? Should it be on or off? Contrary to what many specialists say, some youngsters do seem to function well with the radio turned on to a favorite music station. (Depending on the layout of your house or apartment, maybe an investment in earphones would be worthy of consideration.) 2. DESIGNATE SPECIFIC AREAS FOR HOMEWORK AND STUDYING [...]

Top 10 Study Skills Tips For All Students2022-05-05T20:05:41+00:00
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