Red Flags To Academic Struggles


As a parent it is important to recognize, in a timely manner, signs that indicate your child is struggling academically. A first step is to communicate with your child’s school. Your child may also need additional reinforcement to help get back on track. 1. CHANGE IN GRADES & COMMUNICATIONS FROM SCHOOL: Most obvious is a change in subjects in which your child usually likes and does well in. By the time this Red Flag is revealed via the progress report or report card, the struggles have been on-going. An early indicator of developing struggles could be an increase in notes and [...]

Red Flags To Academic Struggles2022-05-05T20:06:03+00:00

Reducing Stress Is A Great Way To Increase Grades


School is stressful especially in light of a world-wide pandemic that caused at the very least disruption in schooling. Now students are expected to excel in each subject while keeping up with extracurricular activities while being poorly prepared from the past year. According to a special report by EducationWeek, “Since the pandemic began, children and adolescents have had higher rates of anxiety, depression, and stress, and even more specific issues such as addictive internet behaviors.” Stress adversely affects learning in many different ways. Here are some troubling relationships between stress and learning: Bad Memory, Understanding, and Performance A study published in Nature [...]

Reducing Stress Is A Great Way To Increase Grades2022-05-05T20:06:10+00:00

Goal Setting For Elementary School Kids


This is the perfect time of the year for teaching your children about goal setting! From academic (think: finishing homework on-time and accurate) to athletic (think: making the travel team) to extracurricular (think: practicing your instrument for 30 minutes a day), teaching your kids to set goals at an early age gives them a tool set they can use for the rest of their lives! Here are 5 helpful strategies to help your child set SMART goals this year. SMART is traditionally a mnemonic device which represents criteria for a set of objectives or goals – the letters usually correspond to [...]

Goal Setting For Elementary School Kids2022-05-05T20:06:31+00:00

Secret Weapon For A Great School Year


One secret weapon to a great school year is balance. For children to perform their best this school year, parents should ensure they get a good night’s sleep, eat a well-balanced diet, and have plenty of opportunity for exercise. EXERCISE Parents and educators alike can agree that kids need time to play outside. Outside play stimulates both the mind and the body, promotes better attention and focus in the classroom, and gives kids a much-needed outlet to release energy. The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees, calling recess “a crucial and necessary component of a child’s development.” Studies show it offers important [...]

Secret Weapon For A Great School Year2022-05-05T20:06:40+00:00

6 Tips For A Successful School Year


As the new school year unfolds, the time is ripe to consider some important tips about creativity, productivity, and well-being so as to inspire parents and kids. Please see these tips for fortifying kids’ capacities now, and throughout the school year. 1. Creativity develops over time, with the right kinds of learning opportunities, challenges, and supports. People are at their most creative when they’re doing what they love to do. Help children harness that enjoyment by finding their own niches and experiential pleasures, and support them in following their interests as they change over time. 2. Resourcefulness furthers intellectual growth, and [...]

6 Tips For A Successful School Year2022-05-05T20:06:46+00:00

How One on One Tutoring Can Make This Year Your Best


Getting An In-Home Tutor As School Starts Will Make This Year Your Best. Our Tutors Teach Good Study Skills That Will Make Learning Easier In Every Subject All Year Long! 1. Teach organizational skills Types Of Organizational Skills After School Tutoring Can Teach Prioritization– Knowing how to prioritize tasks in different ways is an important skill that will help your child meet deadlines more easily in school and later on in his future job. After school tutoring can teach your child or teen how to prioritize by due date, time needed and difficulty of tasks. Divide & Conquer– After school tutors [...]

How One on One Tutoring Can Make This Year Your Best2022-04-13T19:34:09+00:00

5 Ways Tutoring Makes Home Life Easier


HOW DOES LESS STRESS SOUND? “I love working a full day, having no time to decompress, and staying up late to make sure my daughter finishes her homework,” said no parent ever. Work/life balance has always been difficult to achieve even before the pandemic, and while stress has become second nature to so many of us, wouldn’t it be great to alleviate some? This is where tutoring comes in. Sure, tutoring improves your child’s grades and confidence at school, but it can also help improve life at home. Quite often, troubles at school end up translating to tension at home, which impacts EVERYONE under your [...]

5 Ways Tutoring Makes Home Life Easier2022-05-05T20:07:08+00:00
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